Inter-linking of rivers

The debate on inter-linking of rivers has been going on for over a long long time. Here’s my take on the issue:

1. Ecological angle: Every river has a different biological, chemical and physiological characteristic that harbour a different set of ecosystem. Linking of rivers across will kill the ecosystem as invasive alien species will take over and the native species will be subject to extinction. Further, the drainage into the sea/ocean will be impacted and the estuaries that nurture the marine species will be destroyed. This will cause a havoc in the marine ecosystem which is already impacted by the increase in temp of the sea water. 

2.  Political angle: Case of Kaveri river - a natural flowing river- has led to inter state dispute. In case the rivers are linked across States, it will increase the disputes among states on sharing of water in the lower riparian areas. 

3. Economic angle: The agriculture land is already diminishing due to the infrastructure development such as construction of highways, dams, etc. Construction of canal for linking the rivers will further reduce the agriculture land areas. This will further impact the productivity from the agriculture land. 

4.  Environment angle: The rivers in India are in various stages of pollution. Linking rivers will only carry these pollutants from one river system to the other causing a series of health issues. Moreover, every river has a carrying capacity and overloading will collapse the entire river system. With climate change looming large, it is predicted that the water quantity in the river will reduce and so there would hardly be much water left to transfer. 
5.  Social angle: Rivers form the basis of the social fabric so any action impacting that will be disastrous. 

Moreover, the financial implication of such projects is really huge. Do we have the flexibility to take this on when social sector like education, health, drinking water & sanitation, electrification need more investment?

Am sure more innovative measures can be identified that will protect our rivers and sustain livelihoods of the people. There is already a lot of information available on this. And this topic needs a strong debate and more deliberations before being implemented.

Firstly, the rivers need to be cleaned of the pollutants and purified to the extent possible. This will also reduce the water borne diseases and will be beneficial for agriculture. 

Secondly, the coverage area of agricultural land should be enhanced and the quality of soil increased and climate resilient seeds promoted to ensure increased productivity. The country should be able to feed the masses. Self-sufficiency in agriculture should be the promoted. Non-farm sector should be encouraged to generate employment. MNREGA has led to scarcity of agricultural labourers, and this needs to be amended by making agriculture a part of MNREGA. 

Thirdly, the riverine and marine ecosystems needs to be protected as they are an integral to the subsistence of a large number of population. Any drastic change in these fragile ecosystem will not lead to extinction of species but will also destroy the food chain of the humans. Environmental measures like protecting the watersheds, the forest cover, should be taken up so that ground water can be recharged. 

Fourthly, treatment plants should be made operational in the industrial sectors so that the water discharged into the rivers doesn't carry toxic chemicals. 

Fifthly, social campaigns on saving the rivers from pollution should be undertaken on a mass scale- like a movement! 

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